That last picture was taken at prom. The reason why it is so small is because we were actually on an upper level of the ship (Yes, our prom took place on a boat! It was really cool! And then I discovered that I get sea sick) and our friends were on the bottom deck. This was at the end of the night as we were inching toward the exit, and our friends snapped a photo of us from afar. Good thing we were camera-ready! The photo was cropped, and I don't even have the original anymore.
Two more days!
That's awesome. Have a great time. Also, that furniture looks exactly like the stuff that was in my college dorm. I almost fell off the back of those chairs a few times while standing on them trying to hang things way too high.
aww love you! happy to be here with u
I used to stand on those chairs to get on and off my bed (I had top bunk with no ladders). There were many times when I was sleepy I almost fell off balance. Of course, being young and lazy, I never got around to trying to fix that problem.
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